ADAM'S PREMIUM MUSTACHE WAX is a perfect tool for those with sensitive skin around their beards, because it won’t clog your pores. It’s also the perfect gift for men who just want to mesh their facial hair into shape, or comb it down a bit to get rid of some of that rough unruliness.
ADAM'S PREMIUM MUSTACHE WAX is a super-hydrating wax that will help you keep your mustache smooth and styled, while helping to reduce dandruff and itchiness around your mustache. Not only that, but it comes in a small and portable jar so you can take it with you whenever you go. It’s water soluble so you don’t need to worry about your beard getting stiff, crunchy, or hard.
- Keep Hair Out Of Your Mouth
- Train Hair Into Shape
- Eliminate + Prevent Static Build Up
You should wash your face first, before applying the mustache wax. Take a small amount of wax, enough for a light layering throughout all the hairs. Warm it up between the two fingers (or the finger and thumb) you’ll use to apply it. After you’ve warmed it and distributed it around the two fingers you’re ready to apply it to your ’stache.
